Faculty, staff, and graduate students can participate in the Disability Studies as Core Faculty or Affiliates. Use the Status/Role option below to filter our Faculty and Staff list.
All Faculty and Staff
Paulina Abustan (any pronoun)
AffiliateAssistant Professor of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, California State University, Los Angeles -
José Alaniz (He/him)
Core FacultyAssociate Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and the Department of Comparative Literature (adjunct)jos23@uw.edu / 206-543-7580, voice / A210D Padelford, Box 354335 -
Scott Bellman
AffiliateProgram Manager, DO-IT -
Maggie Beneke (she/her/hers)
AffiliateAssistant Professor, College of Educationbeneke@uw.edu / 206-221-3445 / 102F Miller -
Clara Berridge (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyAssociate Professor, School of Social Workclarawb@uw.edu / 206.685.2180 / School of Social Work, Room 211E -
Sherrie Brown
Core FacultyResearch Professor, College of Education; Associate Director, UCEDDsbrown@uw.edu / 206-685-4010 / 261 CHDD, South Building #102, Box 357920 -
Sheryl Burgstahler (she/her/hers)
AffiliateFounder of Accessible Technology Servicessherylburgstahler@outlook.com / 206-719-2465 -
Heather Clark
AffiliateLecturer, Anthropologyhdc2@uw.edu / Denny 244 -
Ashley Cowan D'Ambrosio (She/Her/Hers)
AffiliateCEO and Founder, Crip Riot; and COVID-19 & Higher Education Program Manager, AAPD -
Enrico Doan (he/him/his)
AffiliateAssociate Director of the University of Washington Housestaff Association (UWHA) -
Kat Eli (she/her/hers)
StaffAcademic Services Managerkateli@uw.edu / (206) 221-6431 / Smith Hall, M253 -
Lesley Ellis (she/her/hers)
Affiliate -
Heather Evans (she /her /hers)
Core FacultyDirector, Disability Studies Program |Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine | Research Director, NW ADA Centerhdevans@uw.edu / SAV 414 -
Heather Feldner (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyAssistant Professor, Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicinehfeldner@uw.edu / 206-543-3721 / Health Sciences Building BB 828A -
Leah Findlater (she/her/hers)
AffiliateAssociate Professor, Human Centered Design and Engineering -
Carli Friedman (she/her/hers)
AffiliateDirector of Research for The Council on Quality and Leadershipcfriedman@thecouncil.org / 407.733.6676 -
Sara Goering (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyProfessor and Interim Chair, Department of Philosophy and Program on Ethicssgoering@uw.edu / 206-616-2102 / Savery 386. Box 353350 -
Mark Harniss (he/him/his)
Core FacultyAssociate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Center on Human Development and Disabilitymharniss@uw.edu / 206-685-0289 / CHSB 104 -
Ian Johnson (he/him/his)
AffiliateAssistant Professor, University of Tennessee -
Kurt L. Johnson
Core FacultyProfessor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Center on Human Development and Disabilitykjohnson@uw.edu / 206-543-3677 / BB 937 HSB -
Linea Johnson (She/Her/Hers)
AffiliateCommunications Manager, ADA National Network Knowledge Translation Center -
Kristen Johnson
AffiliateInstructor, Shoreline Community College -
Stephanie Kerschbaum (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyProfessor, English; Director, Program in Writing and Rhetorickersch@uw.edu / A-011F Padelford Hall -
Richard Ladner
AffiliateProfessor Emeritus, Computer Science and Engineeringladner@cs.washington.edu / 206-543-9347 / Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, Room 632 -
Dennis Lang
Core FacultyRemembering the Co-Founder of UW Disability Studies Program -
Danbi Lee (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyAssistant Professor, Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicinedanbilee@uw.edu / 206-598-5412 / BB 910 -
Katherine Lewis (she/her/hers)
AffiliateAssociate Professor, College of Educationkelewis2@uw.edu / 102-S Miller Hall -
Jennifer Mankoff
AffiliateProfessor, Department of Computer Science & Engineeringjmankoff@cs.washington.edu / 206-685-3035 -
Megan McCloskey (she/her/hers)
AffiliatePh.D. Candidate in the School of Law -
Stephen Meyers (he/him/his)
Core FacultyAssociate Professor, Law, Societies, and Justice, and Jackson School of International Studies; Director, Center for Global Studiessjmeyers@uw.edu / 206-616-8151 / Smith 113B -
Jason Naranjo (he/him/his)
Core FacultyAssociate Teaching Professor, School of Educational Studies, UW Bothelljnaranjo@uw.edu / 425.352.3593 / UW1-355 -
Sushil Oswal
AffiliateProfessor, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Tacoma -
Stephen Rosenbaum (he/him/his/el)
AffiliateFrank C. Newman Lecturer, School of Law, University of California, Berkeleysrosenbaum@law.berkeley.edu / 510-387-3956 -
Neil Simpkins (he/him/his)
AffiliateAssistant Professor, UW Bothellnfsimp@uw.edu / 425.352.3734 / UW1-333 -
Kat Steele (she/her/hers)
AffiliateAssociate Professor, College of Engineering; Director of AMP Labkmsteele@uw.edu / 206-685-2390 / MEB 323 -
Ronnie Thibault
AffiliatePart-Time Lecturerronnie22@uw.edu / 206-380-3460 -
Paul Tubig
AffiliateAssistant Professor, Philosophy, Georgia Southern University -
Ellie Vainker (she/her/hers)
AffiliateDeputy Director, Northwest Access Fund -
Maureen West (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyAssociate Teaching Professor, UW Bothell, School of Nursing & Health Studiesmowest718@gmail.com / 360-201-6782 -
Kristi Winter
AffiliateAssociate Teaching Professor, American Sign Languagekwinter2@u.washington.edu / Guggenheim Hall, 406 -
Joanne Woiak (she/her/hers)
Core FacultyAssociate Teaching Professor, Disability Studiesjwoiak@uw.edu / Office: 414 Savery Hall; Campus mail: Box 353565; Mailing address: Joanne Woiak, Disability Studies Program, University of Washington, Smith M253, Box 353565, Seattle, WA 98195-3565