I am the Frank C. Newman Lecturer at Berkeley Law, Visiting Researcher Scholar in the Disability Studies Cluster of UC, Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair & Inclusive Society (renamed “Othering and Belonging”), and I sit on the Disabled Students Program Faculty Advisory Committee. My courses include social justice professional skills and issues in mental health and civil rights. I’ve also taught Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People at UW (DIS ST 434) and disability rights and justice at Stanford Law. While a Visiting Senior Lecturer at UW Law, I taught human rights advocacy and a clinical tutorial for international LLM candidates. I served as Senior Litigation Attorney with Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund and Associate Managing Attorney with Disability Rights California, litigating cases under the ADA, IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and parallel state laws. My research and advocacy interests include education, disability discrimination, dignity and self-determination, sexuality, mental health policy, and international human rights.
Areas of scholarly interest: education, autonomy, sexuality, interdependence, comparative law & policy
Research methodologies: legal, qualitative, narrative