Paul Tubig is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in 2021 in Philosophy at the University of Washington. His dissertation examines different understandings of disability and their normative implications in the context of healthcare justice. Paul was also a Neuroethics Research Associate with the Center for Neurotechnology, exploring ethical issues arising from the development of implantable neural devices. His current research focus is on the intersections of social and political philosophy, bioethics, neuroethics, and philosophy of disability. He is also interested in a wide range of issues related to global justice, race and ethnicity, place and migration, and the ethics of incarceration. Paul has taught at San Francisco State University, Bellevue College, and the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) as part of the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound in-prison college program. Paul currently lives in Savannah, Georgia with his cat, Mazzy.