Kari Anderson - Reference Librarian
Room 123, Suzzallo Library Box 352900 (206) 685-2789 karia@uw.edu
Resource Guide: http://guides.lib.washington.edu/disabilitystudies
This guide provides links to the most useful databases and resources for researching disability studies.
Additional Listings
- Albrecht, Gary L, Katherine Seelman, and Michael Bury [eds]. Handbook of Disability Studies. Sage Publications, 2001.
- Barnes, Colin. Exploring Disability: A Sociological Introduction. Polity Press, 1999.
- Charlton, James I. Nothing About Us Without Us: Disability, Oppression, and Empowerment. University of California Press, 1998.
- Davis, Lennard J [ed]. The Disability Studies Reader. Routledge, 1997.
- Fries, Kenny [ed]. Staring Back: The Disability Experience From the Inside Out. Plume, 1997.
- Higgins, Paul C. Making Disability: Exploring the Social Transformation of Human Variation. C.C. Thomas, 1992.
- Johnstone, David. An Introduction to Disability Studies. David Fulton Publications, 2001.
- Linton, Simi. Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity. New York University Press, 1998.
- Longmore, Paul K. Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability. Temple University Press, 2003.
- Shakespeare, Tom [ed]. The Disability Reader: Social Science Perspectives. Cassell Academic, 1998.
- Shapiro, Joseph. No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement. Times Books, 1993.
- Snyder, Sharon L., Brenda Jo Brueggemann, and Rosemarie Garland-Thomson [eds]. Disability Studies: Enabling the Humanities. Modern Language Association of America, 2002.
- Shaw, Barrett. Ragged Edge: The Disability Experience from the Pages of the First Fifteen Years of The Disability Rag. Avocado Press, 1994.
- O'Brien, Ruth Ann. Crippled Justice: The History of Modern Disability Policy in the Workplace. University of Chicago Press, 2001.
- Oliver, Michael and Bob Sapey. Social Work with Disabled People. Macmillan, 1999.
- Parens, Erik, and Adrienne Asch [eds]. Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights. Georgetown University Press, 2000.
- Schlesinger, Lynn and Diane E. Taub [eds]. Instructional Materials for Teaching Sociology and Disability Studies. American Sociological Association, 2004.
- Fleischer, Doris Zames. The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation">The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation. Temple University Press, 2001.
- Klages, Mary. Woeful Afflictions: Disability and Sentimentality in Victorian America. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999.
- Longmore, Paul K. and Lauri Umansky [eds]. The New Disability History: American Perspectives. New York University Press, 2001.
- Bérubé, Michael. Life as We Know It: A Father, A Family, and an Exceptional Child. Vintage Books, 1998.
- Browne, Susan E., Deborah Conners, and Nanci Stern [eds]. With the Power of Each Breath: A Disabled Women's Anthology. Cleis Press, 1985.
- Callahan, John. Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot: The Autobiography of a Dangerous Man. Morrow, 1989.
- Clare, Eli. Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation. South End Press, 1999.
- Crutchfield, Susan and Marcy Epstein [eds]. Points of Contact: Disability, Art, and Culture. University of Michigan Press, 1999.
- Davis, Lennard J. My Sense of Silence: Memoirs of a Childhood with Deafness. University of Illinois Press, 2000.
- Finger, Anne. Past Due: A Story of Disability, Pregnancy, and Birth. Seal Press, 1990.
- Guter, Bob and John R. Killacky [eds]. Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories. Routledge, 2003.
- Hockenberry, John. Moving Violations: War Zones, Wheelchairs, and Declarations of Independence. Hyperion, 1996.
- Kleege, Georgina. Sight Unseen. Yale University Press, 1999.
- Kuusisto, Stephen. Planet of the Blind. Delta, 1998.
- Mairs, Nancy. Carnal Acts: Essays. Harper-Collins, 1990.
- Mairs, Nancy. Waist-High in the World: A Life Among the Nondisabled. Beacon Press, 1996.
- Murphy, Robert F. The Body Silent. H. Holt, 1987.
- O'Brien, Ruth [ed]. Voices from the edge : narratives about the Americans with Disabilities Act. Oxford University Press, 2004.
- Padden, Carol and Tom Humphreys. Deaf in America : Voices from a Culture. Harvard University Press, 1988.
- Panzarino, Connie. The Me in the Mirror. Seal Press, 1994.
- Saxton, Marcia and Florence Howe [eds]. With Wings: An Anthology of Literature By and About Women with Disabilities. Feminist Press at the City University of New York , 1987.
- Thomson, Rosemarie Garland. Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Disability in American Culture and Literature. Columbia University Press, 1996.
- Zola, Irving [ed]. Ordinary Lives: Voices of Disability and Disease. Apple-wood Books, 1982.
- Asch, Adrienne and Michelle Fine. [eds]. Women with Disabilities : Essays in Psychology, Policy, and Politics. Temple University Press, 1988.
- Butler , Ruth and Hester Parr [eds]. Mind and Body Spaces: Geographies of Illness, Impairment, and Disability. Routledge, 1999.
- Corker, Mairian. Deaf and Disabled, or Deafness Disabled? : Towards a Human Rights Perspective. Open University Press, 1998.
- Davis, Lennard J. Bending Over Backwards: Disability, Dismodernism, And Other Difficult Positions. New York : New York University Press, 2002.
- Deutsch, Helen and Felicity Nussbaum [eds]. Defects: Engendering the Modern Body (Corporealities, Discourses of Disability) University of Michigan Press, 2000.
- Ingstad, Benedicte and Susan Reynolds Whyte [eds]. Disability and Culture. University of California Press, 1995.
- Kittay, Eva Feder. Love's Labor: Essays on Women, Equality, and Dependency. New York : Routledge, 1999.
- Kittay, Eva Feder and Ellen K. Feder [eds]. The Subject of Care: Feminist Perspectives on Dependency. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
- Mitchell, David T. and Sharon Snyder [eds]. The Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Disability in the Humanities. University of Michigan Press, 1997.
- Norden, Martin F. The Cinema of Isolation: A History of Physical Disability in the Movies. Rutgers University Press, 1994.
- O'Brien, Ruth. Bodies In Revolt : Gender, Disability, And A Workplace Ethic Of Care. New York : Routledge, 2005.
- Priestley, Mark [ed]. Disability and the Life Course: Global Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- Russell, Marta. Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract: A Warning From an Uppity Crip. Common Courage Press, 1998.
- Smit, Christopher R. and Anthony Enns [eds]. Screening Disability : Essays on Cinema and Disability. University Press of America, 2001.
- Thomas, Carol. Female Forms: Experiencing and Understanding Disability. Open University Press, 1999.
- Tremain, Shelley [ed]. Foucault and the Government of Disability. University of Michigan Press , 2005.
- Wendell, Susan. The Rejected Body: Feminist Reflections on Disability. Routledge, 1996.
Disability Studies Films and Videos
- Able to Laugh
- Asylum: A History of the Mental Institution in America
- Beyond Disability: The Fe Fe Stories
- Breathing Lessons: The Life and Work of Mark O'Brien
- Dancing From the Inside Out: Three Stories from AXIS Dance Troupe
- Disability Culture Rap
- Hurry Tomorrow
- If I Can't Do It
- King Gimp
- Liebe Perla
- Look Who's Laughing
- My Country
- Refrigerator Mothers
- The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities
- Titicut Follies
- Twitch and Shout
- Unforgotten: Twenty-five Years After Willowbrook
- Vital Signs: Crip Culture Talks Back
- When Billy Broke His Head . . . And Other Tales of Wonder
- Without Pity
- A World Without Bodies