To the DSP community,
The Graduate Students of Art History (GSAH) are pleased to invite you to the two-day virtual symposium “Dismantling the Body: Possibilities and Limitations in Art Making” on May 18–19, 2022. The Symposium will conclude our program for 2021-22, which focuses on the crossroads between art history, disability studies, and the sensorium.
Throughout art’s history, the human body has been a site of tensions, subject to regulations, overcoming or submitting to physical challenges, but also offering far-reaching opportunities for self-expression. This symposium brings together scholars and artists to explore the interactions between body and place, the production of bodily knowledge, the regulation of the body, and its agency.
For further details and registration: https://art.
Keynote: MAY 19, 10am: AMANDA CACHIA. Cachia is a curator, writer, and art historian who specializes in disability art activism across intersectional axes of difference, including gender, race, and sexuality. Cachia received her PhD in Art History, Theory & Criticism from the University of California San Diego in 2017. She is developing two book projects: the first, entitled Revision of the Senses: Disability, Art, Agency, under peer review with Duke University Press, and the second is entitled Restraining Bodies: Feminist Disability Aesthetics in North Africa and the Middle East. Her first edited volume, Curating Access: Disability Art Activism and Creative Accommodation, under contract with Routledge, will be released in December 2022, that includes over 40 international contributors.
Accessibility information:
There will be live captioning throughout the event. To request other disability accommodations, contact the UW Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 (voice), 206-543-6452 (TTY), 206-685-7264 (fax), or, preferably at least 10 days in advance of the event.
We hope to see you at the event!
Organizing Committee:
Or Vallah, PhD Candidate
Giordano Conticelli, PhD student
Ananya Sikand, PhD Candidate