Disability History Month Celebration. Thurs. Oct. 27, 3:30-5:30, Walker-Ames Room in Kane Hall. Disability History Month in Washington is intended to increase understanding of the contributions people with disabilities have made to our society, increase respect and promote...Read more
Harlan Hahn Award Winners 2011
The Disability Studies Program is pleased to announce the following award winners:
Monica Olsson, Erica Sekins, Anu Taranath, Ronnie Thibault, Joanne Woiak, Anna Zogas
Monica Olsson, Women’s Studies and Cinema...Read more
Disability Awareness Week (link) , May 23-28, 2011. Sponsors: ASUW Student Disability Commission and Disability Advocacy Student Alliance. Events:
Redefining...Read more
Please join us for the Disability Studies Program Year-End Celebration! Celebrate our community and the accomplishments of students, faculty and staff over the last year, including our graduating Individualized Studies Majors, Disability Studies Minors, and affiliate graduate and professional...Read more
The Dennis Lang Award is a merit-based monetary award (up to $500) for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Washington who demonstrate promise in the field of Disability Studies. To apply, students must submit an application by May 1. Applications should be submitted online...Read more
Students, faculty and staff from all three University of Washington campuses are invited to submit a proposal for one of the two types of awards available. The number and amount of the awards will depend on the quality and quantity of applications up to $4,000 per award. It is anticipated that...Read more
Follow Announcements Menu Link for Spring 2011 New Disability Studies Courses Read more
PUBLIC LECTURE: "Voices from the Washington Archives: Eugenics and Forced Sterilization in State Institutions." Tues. Mar. 15, 6:00-7:30pm, Odegaard 220 Series Web Site Series Web Site "...Read more
PUBLIC LECTURE: "Gender, Disability, and the Dynamics of Institutionalization." Mon. Mar. 7. 6-7:30pm, Odegaard 220 Series Web Site " http://uwdisability....Read more
BROWN BAG: "What Every Historian Should Know about Disability History (and What They Lose by Ignoring the Field)." Mon. Feb. 28, 12-1pm, Smith 203E
PUBLIC LECTURE: "Blind Like Me: John Howard Griffin, Disability, and the Fluidity of Identity in Modern America...Read more