brown bag talk, Ann Luetzow, "The Role of Cultural Centers in Higher Education: Disability as Culture and Identity", Friday, May 12th, 12-1pm, MGH 024



Ann Luetzow, SSW and former coordinator of the D Center

Following Ann's talk with be the D Center 5th Anniversary Party! Pizza & cupcakes.  Join us! Facebook event link.

We have requested CART and ASL for the talk and ASL for the party. Please be scent free.

Come learn more about the history and context of cultural centers on college campuses, and share your ideas about their roles today. How can we bring d/Disability and d/Deaf cultural centers into the conversation? Ann Luetzow is currently in the Master of Social Work program. As a UW undergrad, she founded the D Center and since then has been working in the realm of social justice in various capacities. Her research project was supported by a Harlan Hahn DS grant.