Fall's first brown bag talk (12:00) and welcome pizza party (1:15), Fri Oct 16, in MGH 024 RSVP to jwoiak@uw.edu

The first UW Disability Studies Program Brown Bag Seminar of the 2015-2016 year will be:

Date: Friday, Oct. 16, 12-1pm

Location: Mary Gates Hall 024 (the D Center)

Title: "A Gentle Hijacking: Disability Studies Meets Special Education"

Presenters: Jacob Hackett (UW Education), Kayla Brown (UW Social Work) and Sara Goering (UW Philosophy) discuss their Huckabay-funded project to create a Disability Studies-infused syllabus for special education teachers in training.

The presentation will be followed by a social gathering to celebrate the new year!  Food & drink -- PIZZA!

Friday, Oct. 16, 1:15-2:30pm

Mary Gates Hall 024 (the D Center)

This party is a great opportunity to learn more about the UW Disability Studies Program.  Connect with faculty, the program advisor, and current students and graduates!  Please come visit us on Friday. We would appreciate your RSVP, to Joanne jwoiak@uw.edu

Party co-sponsored by DO-IT AccessSTEM (https://www.washington.edu/doit/programs/accessstem/accessstem-resources).

Thanks also to the D Center for providing the space and support (https://www.facebook.com/UW.D.Center).


ASL interpretation and CART captioning will be provided at these events.

Please do not wear any scented products or clothes that have been recently smoked in, for the health and safety of our community members with chemical sensitivity. The D Center is a fragrance-free space.

We will not be able to provide vegan or gluten-free food options at this event. 

To request disability accommodation, contact the Disability Services Office, preferably at least 10 days in advance, at: 206.543.6450 (voice), 206.543.6452 (TTY), 206.685.7264 (fax), or email atdso@uw.edu.

Contact Joanne if you have any questions (jwoiak@uw.edu).

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