Conference & comics convention at Syracuse U, March 22-23, 2015.

Call for Proposals: GAME OVER…? “CRIPPING” THE COMIC CON 2015

March 22 and 23, 2015

Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

DEADLINE for Proposals:  January 26, 2015 extended to Feb 9, 2015

Join us for our third annual “Cripping” the Comic Con, where “con” stands for conference and comics convention.  This year’s main themes are gaming, digital media, and digital effects in film.  We wish to explore the various ways in which games, gaming, and virtual media reflect and create understandings and interpretations of disability in popular culture. 

Website for “Cripping” the Comic Con:

How to submit your proposal(s) -- please choose one of the following options:

1.      Via email to  Submissions can be sent as an attachment (Word, Word Perfect, Text, Rich Text Format or PDF) or with text pasted/embedded in the body of your message.  Please put CRIPCON SUBMISSION in the subject line.

2.      Via Fax: 315-443-4338.  Please indicate CRIPCON SUBMISSION on Fax cover sheet.

3.      Via regular mail:

“Cripping” the Comic Con 2015
c/o SU Disability Cultural Center
805 S Crouse Ave, 105 Hoople Bldg.
Syracuse, NY 13244-2280

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