Consider taking this great course taught by José Alaniz. DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 430: Disability in Graphic Narrative 

DIS ST/LSJ/CHID 430: Disability in Graphic Narrative 


WIN 2015 - TTh 130-320

Instructor: José Alaniz

Consider taking this great winter course! You will explore how the expressive capacities of graphic narrative capture, complicate, and transform the experience of disability.

From a recent Q&A with Professor Alaniz:

Q. Do students really get to read comics in your classes?
A. Absolutely. In fact, those wanting to delve into both comics and disability should consider enrolling in my winter 2015 class, DIS ST 430: “Disability in Graphic Narrative.”

Q. If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
A. Flying, totally. But then I’d also need invulnerability, because without it flying would quickly kill you. They don’t usually tell you that in the comics.

Course description: This course brings together two burgeoning fields in the Humanities, Comics Studies and Disability Studies, for an exploration of how the expressive capacities of graphic narrative capture, complicate and transform the experience of disability. While mostly focusing on the rich comics memoir literature related to disability and illness that has emerged in the last 25 years, we will touch on other genres, including fantasy and superheroes, and discuss how these works reflect cultural changes regarding the “propriety” of disa­bility as a literary subject. Authors include Charles Burns, Al Davison, Alan Moore, David B., Harvey Pekar and Joyce Brabner.  

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