University of Washington Odegaard Library 220 Jan–Mar 2011
HIGHLIGHT: Mon. Feb. 28, 12-1pm, Smith 203E, brown bag with Jeff Brune (Gallaudet University): What Every Historian Should Know about Disability History. Tues. Mar. 1. 6-7:30pm, Odegaard 220, lecture by Jeff Brune: Blind Like Me: John Howard Griffin, Disability, and the Fluidity of Identity in Modern America. The “Unspeakable” series is presented in conjunction with the Willard exhibit, “The Lives They Left Behind: Suitcases from a State Hospital Attic,” which has been brought to Odegaard Library by Live Inclusive ( Series Web Site ""
Link to series website
UW co-sponsors of “Unspeakable”: Disability Studies Program; Norris & Dorothy Haring Center for Applied Research & Training in Education; Program on Values in Society; Department of History; Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity; Law, Societies, & Justice Program; Department of Political Science; Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies; Comparative History of Ideas Program; Canadian Studies Center of the Jackson School of International Studies; Women Studies Department; Bothell Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences; DO-IT; Disability Advocacy Student Alliance; ASUW Student Disability Commission; ASUW Women’s Action Commission; ASUW Gay Bisexual Lesbian Transgender Commission.
All “Unspeakable” events will be held in Odegaard Library, Room 220, adjacent to the exhibit:
TUES JAN 25, 5:30 Film “Lynchburg Story: Eugenic Sterilization in America” (refreshments provided)
FRI JAN 28, 6:00 Eli Clare (writer and activist) “Yearning Towards Carrie Buck”
TUES FEB 1, 5:30 Film “If I Can’t Do It”
TUES FEB 8, 5:30 Film “Hurry Tomorrow”
THURS FEB 10, 6:00 Geoffrey Reaume (York University, Disability Studies) “Memorializing Mad People’s History: Preserving Our Past through Archives and Activism”
MON FEB 14, 4:30 Philip Ferguson (Chapman University, Educational Studies) “The Doubting Dance: Contributions to a History of Parent/Professional Interactions in Early 20th Century America”
TUES FEB 15, 5:30 Film “In Our Care” (refreshments provided)
WED FEB 16, 5:30 Jennifer Stuber (University of Washington, Social Work) “Transforming the American Conversation about Mental Health.” This is event is co-hosted by the School of Social Work and Department of Communication. Registration required, go to
TUES FEB 22, 5:30 Film “Unforgotten: 25 Years after Willowbrook” (refreshments provided)
MON FEB 28, 12:00, in SMITH 203E Brownbag talk by Jeff Brune (Gallaudet University, History) "What Every Historian Should Know about Disability History (and What They Lose by Ignoring the Field" (bring lunch, juice and cookies provided)
TUES MAR 1, 6:00 Jeffrey Brune (Gallaudet University, History) “Blind Like Me: John Howard Griffin, Disability, and the Fluidity of Identity in Modern America” (refreshments provided)
MON MAR 7, 6:00 Licia Carlson (Providence College, Philosophy) “Gender, Disability, and the Dynamics of Institutionalization”
TUES MAR 15, 6:00 Joanne Woiak (University of Washington, Disability Studies) “Voices from the Washington Archives: Eugenics and Forced Sterilization in State Institutions”
Weekly Thursday 6:00-8:00p.m. events in Odegaard 220:
JAN 27 Opening reception, remarks at 6:30 by Judith Howard, Divisional Dean for Social Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences
FEB 3 Darby Penney (exhibit curator) “The Lives They Left Behind”
FEB 10 Geoffrey Reaume (York University) “Memorializing Mad People’s History”
FEB 17 “What’s So Today,” panel and discussion with representatives of DSHS, Snohomish County Human Services, Arc of WA State, Northwest Special Families.
FEB 24 “What's So Today for Individuals,” personal stories presentation and discussion with CEOs of Alpha Supported Living and PROVAIL. Reception at 6pm, talks at 7pm.
MAR 3 “What's So Today in Community,” personal stories presentation and discussion. Film "A Letter from My Father: The John Calhoun Story," featuring John Calhoun who lived the early part of his life in Fairview State School in Salem Oregon.
MAR 10 “Turning the Corner to the Future,” panel presentation with Ed Holen, WA State Developmental Disabilities Council; Andrea Kadlec, Disability Rights Washington; Emily Rogers, Self-Advocacy in Leadership.
MAR 17 “What’s The Future Hold - World Café”
Additional events:
THURS JAN 27, 2:30-4:30, Eli Clare talk, “Resisting Shame, Making Our Bodies Home,” Parrington Hall 309
TUES FEB 8, 3:30-4:20, “Collaborative Performance Response to the Willard Exhibit,” by Jurg Koch's Dance 266 students, Meany Hall, studio 267
MON FEB 28, 12:00-1:00, Brownbag talk by Jeff Brune (Gallaudet University, History) "What Every Historian Should Know about Disability History (and What They Lose by Ignoring the Field" (bring your lunch, juice and cookies provided), Smith 203E
MAR 7-18 “Global Perspectives on Institutionalization,” poster presentations by LSJ/CHID/DIS ST 434 Civil and Human Rights for Disabled People students, Odegaard Library