Megan Morris, a fourth year Ph.D. student in Rehabilitation Medicine, and Monica Olsson, a senior undergraduate student, double majoring in Women Studies and Cinema Studies, with a minor in Disability Studies are the 2010 Dennis Lang Award Winners!
Megan Morris has played an active role in the UW disability studies community, working on committees, giving guest lectures across the university, and serving as a teaching assistant and primary instructor for the Introduction to Disability Studies course. Megan plans to use the award to fund a pilot project to evaluate a curriculum she and her colleagues designed to train medical students about successful strategies for improving patient-provider communication, particularly for patients with communication disabilities.
Monica Olsson completed the Women Studies feminist disability internship in spring 2009. Monica works with Reel Grrls, a Seattle-area media literacy program for young women. She plans to help implement a disability studies curriculum within their media program, and will use the award funds to attend the Allied Media Conference this summer.
Students interested in future funding opportunities in Disability Studies should stay tuned next year for the announcement of competitions for scholarships funded by the Harlan Hahn endowment. Thanks to everyone who submitted an application this year, and best of luck on all of your excellent projects.