Disability Studies Faculty & Affiliate Members Meeting Agenda 

Thursday, February 13, 2025 

3:30-5 PM 

Zoom Connection Information: Meeting URL 

Meeting ID: 942 9923 8644 

Call in by phone: 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)  

253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

Find your local number:   https://washington.zoom.us/u/acftYDdrPQ  


Announcements & Upcoming Events 

  1. Remaining Winter Quarter DSP Faculty & Affiliate Members Meetings: Friday March 14, 12:30-2pm 

  2. Heather going on medical leave Feb 17-Mar 24 

  3. DSP to host a KYR Event in collaboration with UW Law School Immigration Law Clinic in Feb or March  

    1. Organizers: Heather Evans and Stephen Rosenbaum, Andrea coordinating 

  4. Other Announcements 

    1. ASUW SDC event: film screening A Different Man, TODAY, Thurs Feb 13, doors at 6pm, film at 6:30, Alder Hall Auditorium, pizza and popcorn! 

    2. D Center (HUB 327) would like us to share with DSP students: “Sign & Dine” that happens Wednesdays 12- 1pm, this is a fun opportunity to chat and dine (bring own lunch) with other ASL friends! We also have “Study Doubles” which is utilizing the strategy of Body Doubling, a productivity strategy in which students complete their tasks while being in the presence of another person. This happens weekly on Mondays 2-4pm. 

    3. ASUW SDC planning an Outdoors for All Spring event at the IMA: tentatively April 24 


Administrative & Program Updates 

  1. Advising & Admin updates 

  2. Spring Courses 

    1. Prep and share materials so we can advertise your course! (e.g., flyer, short blurb to be inserted into emails or announcement lists) 

    2. Katie Warden: DIS ST 434/535 Disability Legal Studies 

    3. Stephen Rosenbaum: LSJ 491 Comparative Human Rights Law & Policy for People with Disability 

    4. Joanne: DIS ST 230 Intro to DS 

    5. Joanne: DIS ST 421: History of Eugenics 

    1. Heather: 503 DS Writing Seminar 

    2. Rachel Berney: URDDP 576/ CET 586: Iser and Design Considerations for Pedestrian and Rolling Mobility (3 credits) -  Dept of Urban Design & Planning 

  3. SUM Courses 

    1. Jason’s Outdoors for All course – offered through UWB 

    2. Joanne’s courses 

  4. Fiscal updates 

    1. Summer 2023 funds obtained! 

Committee Updates  

  1. See  DSP Committees 2024-2025.docx for current assignments and info on expectations  

  2. Delegated Temporary Hires  

    1. DSP calls for course proposals went out Dec 20th; due date extended to Feb 21st  

    2. Executive Meeting on Feb 27th (HF and DB cannot attend) or during March faculty meeting (SK cannot attend) 

  3. Harlan Hahn 

    1. Call for proposals to go out third week of February 

      1. Eligibility requirements being updated 

  4. DSP Convocation 

    1. Friday, June 6, 2-4pm, Petersen room hybrid 

Other Items 

Poem !