University of Washington

Disability Studies Faculty Meeting Agenda

January 10, 2024



Zoom Connection Information

Meeting URL

Meeting ID: 952 8011 1962

Call in by phone: 206 337 9723 US (Seattle)

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Announcements, Summary of Last Meeting & Agenda Review

  1. Winter 2024 tentative faculty meeting schedule – 4 meetings with time for check-ins and community building
    1. Wed Jan 10 9:00-10:30
    2. Mon Feb 12 10:00-11:30
    3. Wed Feb 28 9:00-10:30
    4. Mon Mar 11 10:00-11:30
  2. New LSJ/DSP Advisor Jonathan Fincher and his dog Soda
  3. Events
    1. Patty Berne, Wed Jan 16, 6:30pm, Town Hall & livestream, UW Public Lectures (Heather E & 504 Cmte)
    2. Dr. María Cioé-Peña, Kane Hall 110 on 1/16/2024, 7pm, Dismantling The Master’s School: Interrogating Racism, Ableism and Settler Colonial Logics in Language Education RSVP (Maggie B COE)
    3. Sat Jan 20 from 12:00-4:00 pm, Celebrating Inclusion in Community: 50 Years of the Rehabilitation Act, Magnuson Park Hangar (Mark)
    4. IK Iro, UN Independent Expert on the Rights of Persons with Albinism (Stephen M)
  4. Honoring Vanessa Link (Joanne)
  5. Other announcements

Budget and Administrative Updates

  1. Budget update
  2. Update on Heather’s December meeting with Dean Woody
  3. Preparation for 2023-24 program review
    1. Compile faculty reports for home depts submitted in spring 2023: google form, deadline?

Academic Planning & Service Work

  1. Courses offered WIN 2024:
    1. 332 Outdoors for All was cancelled by UWB for low enrollment
  2. Courses SPR 2024
    1. Intro DS 230 – Joanne, 2 TAs, distance learning
    2. 430/535 Queer Crip – Ryan D
    3. DS/BH 421 History of Eugenics – Joanne
  3. Courses SUM 2024
    1. DIS ST 300 DS in Education [new course number] - Jason
    2. DIS ST 332 Outdoors for All – Jason
    3. DIS ST 360 Speculative Fiction – Joanne
    4. DIS ST/HSTCMP 402/502 Dis History - Joanne
  4. Call for 2024-25 course proposals - due January 19
  5. Service Committees
    1. Harlan Hahn Endowment Awards – CFP out by mid-Jan, applications due early to mid-April?
    2. Dennis Lang Student Awards – call for nominations out by mid-Jan, due early to mid-April?
    3. Barbara Greenberg Distinguished Scholarship
    4. Convocation date?
      1. Looking for a venue for week of May 27 [last week of classes] or June 3 [exams week]; so far nothing is available our traditional date of last Friday of classes at 3pm


Summary & Next-Meeting Planning

